
Monday, January 1, 2007

Baby Cousin's Full-month Party

It's a brand new day of a brand new year! Happy New Year everyone! (:

Went to my relative's house today for my baby cousin's full-month party. Javier is soooo adorable and handsome. He's the star today. Everyone was like crowding around him. Lunch was buffet. My auntie and her maid cooked some food too. The honeydew sago served was so yummy that I gulped down two whole bowls. I proudly declare that my favourite dessert of all time is ... *drum rolls* HONEYDEW SAGO! ^^

Stayed at my relative's house till about 5pm then we headed off to Causeway Point. I came across this stall selling apple strudels and E-CLAIRS. Yea e-clairs. I bought one box of six e-clairs and shared it with my grandmothers and brother. My mom don't like such sweet stuff, which is sad cos the e-clairs really taste heavenly! I proudly declare that as my favourite treat of all time ;)

Today's 10pm show on Channel U will be the last episode. I certainly hope that Suyi doesn't die cos she's too cute a character. And here's my top ten resolutions for 2007:

1) Read newspapers daily so as to improve my English

2) Never ever procrastinate in whatever I do. This is quite challenging cos I have become quite a professional procrastinator. But I will still try.

3) Eat in moderation and exercise regularly. This has been on my resolution list annually but I have never failed to break it. But this year, things are going to be different. I shall say no to mindless eating and not give in to temptations ANYMORE.

4) Control moodswings. Dont be too moody and mood-unpredictable, might put off my loved ones which is the last thing I want.

5) Be consistent in my daily face-washing routine aka exfoliate, cleanse, tone and moisturise. Like that then can be pretty pretty with smooth smooth skin =D

6) Be more thrifty. I have been spending way too much during the december holidays. So I must not spend more than 5 dollars on magazines every month, think twice before paying for something... that is to weigh out the pros and cons and to determine if it's a need or want. And also to go for movies only once a week (:

7) Try not to eat fast food at all. Or let it be the last alternative whenever possible. Cos it's unhealthy and do no good to my diet.

8) Treasure everything and everyone around me. Never take anything for granted. And never wait till it's too late to do something or say something.

9) Live life to the fullest and start each new day with an open heart and open mind. Be optimistic and never say die! And smile and laugh and be happy cos being happy is the essence of living.

10) Try not to gossip. Oh man this is hard, way too hard to achieve for a gossipy gemini like me. Furthermore, this is the thing that bond my sistas and I together. So we shall see lah =p

That's all for now. I hope that my first post for my new blog in this new year has not bored you out. And I know for sure that it hasn't if you've read till this point. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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