
Monday, March 12, 2007

Thankful in Everything? (Stories from the Heart)

Have been reading this book titled ' Stories from the Heart' which I borrowed from my school's library. I am trying to finish reading it asap so that I can move on to reading other books. Selectively read the book and yeah some stories are really inspirational like this one:

Thankful in Everything? Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry is a well-known Bible commentator. One day he was robbed and that evening made the following entry in his diary:

Let me be thankful -
first, because I was never robbed before.
second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life
third, because although they took my all, it was not much
and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.

There are two sides to everything in our lives. Sometimes, if only we try to add that bit of optimism in our thinking, our lives would definitely be a whole lot better. Your thinking affect your living. Be thankful too, to the people around you. For every good deed, kind action done, it's worth being thankful. Being thankful and expressing our gratitude should become an essential in our lives (:

I am tired, better go and catch my sleep before my panda eyes darken!


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