
Friday, June 29, 2007

Comments on my quiz

I am tired. I shall go sleep. Shu Min did my quiz and whoa! She almost got a perfect score and commented that the quiz is too easy. AW. I thought it would be rather challenging. HAHA. Naiveness. But it's good to know I have a friend who knows me well! (: And many more to come as more people take the quiz. heee. SM set a high standard for all ;)

I seriously am tired. It feels weird to be typing on the laptop late at night and not mugging with my lecture notes all over the study table. I am kinda missing the mugger's life.

OH and I keep forgetting Monday is a holiday for all YOUTHS. I was still wondering how am I going to complete all my holiday homework this weekend when I will be working on CPA project with Shue Ling tomorrow and helping out with MILKRUN on Sunday. Fortunately there's Monday but I am hoping to have a JAYYES outing on that day! OHH. I almost forgot yet again. There's CPA meeting on Monday morning.

Busy weekend. I was still hoping I could have some time to myself to indulge in my newly-bought collection set of Jane Austen's novels. There goes my hope. And yeah I should be reading my literature novels instead of such leisure novels. I KNOW I KNOW.

I shall take a step at a time lah. Now, should I go for yoga tomorrow? Or should I rest at home?

I have not exercised for the whole of this week due to the ever-so-important-and-tramautising common tests. And I think I have gained back the kilos I lost in Yunnan. My oh my. what good news.

I shall go and sleep now. Goodnight (:

My truefriendtest

After-Common-Test Post 1

The common-test week is finally over! Chemistry paper today was oookay. But the time management is a killer. I looked at my watch like every 30 seconds, only to make myself more nervous. Managed to attempt all the questions I decided to, forsake some. I HAD TO. Otherwise I definitely will get a big fat ZERO. I really hope I can get a passing grade for today's Chemistry paper. It's one of the papers which I had more confidence in. Perhaps due to my liking of Chemistry but whatever I jus want to get a passing grade or better for today's paper!

The MCQ questions were totally #!%&*#*&. 30 minutes for 20 questions. Oh man. At first I thought only 15. Urgh. Section A abit hard to pass leh. But it's not because I don't know how to do. I got study okay! Just that I don't have enough time to process everything I studied. YAH. So not my fault. I think I tried my best.

FINALLY! It's over. But I don't exactly feel relieved lah. When I reached home in the noon, I felt weird not to be studying. Perhaps I am addicted to mugging. HAHA! fat hope.

This weekend's gna be spent completing my holiday homework. Yah leftovers from the holidays. So sad :( GP podcasts. CSC essays. Reading of literature novels. TWO novels. Halfway through 'The Handmaid's Tale' but the content of the novel is quite uh... not to my liking, kinda 'dirty'. It's not a book which I will choose to read if given a choice lah. But that does not mean it's not a good book okay.

Yixian just asked me for some more of my Yunnan trip photos. I haven't posted them yet =s I will do it SOON. Erm, after I complete all my holiday homework and other important works =D

Anyway I like today's morning assembly sharing on dengue fever by Siyuan. He was from the orientation class I took 2 years ago. Yeah I am ageing. I like how he ended his sharing. 'Dengue kills! Are you breeding danger?'. Impressive. Impactful.

... Reminds me of our tagline for our CPA2007 video. WAHA. Discussing with Shue Ling now about the storyboard. Have to delay the submission due to our common tests and lack of digital-arts skills. heeee.

Cheers! Happy Youth Day!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Reason why I feel so-not-renewed now

Take this test at Tickle

You're renewed by spending time with others

What Renews You?
Brought to you by Tickle

That shows why I feel so-not-renewed now. I definitely enjoy spending more time with my friends than my chemistry lecture notes. Not that I dislike chemistry but well my notes cannot gossip and talk to me!

Last paper tomorrow. All the way! 加油加油!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Common Test Period

I have decided to post an entry, after not doing so for like a week or so. It's quite unusual for me to not blog for so long. But well common test period what can you expect?

Typical sotong day for me. And the main evidences of my ultimate sotongness today are as follows:

1. 或或或或或或或或!

2. 1.30 2.00

Such actions of sotongness are not worth recalling and remembering.

This common test period is really tough. I was totally 'memory-overloaded' yesterday. Having two humanities papers in one day did no good to my wrist. And I am proud to announce I wrote nine essays of different lengths in all today =D

I survived it, China Studies and E.Lit. I am sure all those taking Econs and Maths papers tomorrow can do it too.

Best of luck to Jue Hui, Yun Yin, Shu Min, Li Wen, and everyone who's taking the two papers tomorrow (:

Alright I should be done slacking here. My posts are getting short and sweet these days (:

It's back to mugging, or rather studying for me. [I am not and never a mugger!]

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

CT-Based Entry 1

Common-Test Based Blog Entry One

FOUR more days to the terrifying common tests! AW.

AP and GP are really killing me. I can't seem to know how to solve any of the questions. BAD.

Literature and China Studies are such killers. I am so dead.

General Paper, I know not how to study for the test. Confidence level for the subject dipped after flopping the comprehension test. HELP!

Urgency sensed now, finally. But is it too late? Yes I think so. But I choose to believe not. Aiya NEVER MIND. It doesn't matter now.

Clash of CPA meetings with common test revision. Responsibilities versus. Priorities. Shrinking of responsibilities is not permitted.

Oh man. I so fear the re-opening of school. At the same time I can't wait for common tests to be over lah. CT Day 2 is going to be a tough day for my wrists and my brain.

Determination; Discipline; Perseverance

诗敏, 加油!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lonely day. WEIRD TOO.

Oh man. What a day it has been today. Went to the library to return two books and also to get a quiet environment for my revision. All went well but about one hour later, this funny uncle came to sit opposite me. His behaviour was eccentric. So eccentric he scared me. I tried to finish the Chemistry question I was working on, packed my stuff and walked away.

Went out of the library. Then heard someone call my name. I am usually rather paranoid about hearing my name being called but I was right this time lah. It was my brother's friend. They were meeting to do homework in the library. But I decided not to join them. Took the bus to SingPost. But didn't accomplish much. Boohoo.

Back at home. Dad jus suggested going out for dinner. Ohwells. My seven o'clock Channel 8 show! Haha whatever. I miss smsing! Everyone must be mugging hard, so hard they forgot to sms me. aw.

Note to self: Scholarship training tomorrow. 9am to 1pm.

Doraemon, please give me a pair of ears which can turn complaints into pleasant music.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Back from Yunnan


但是好想念安乐村... 尤其是那里的小朋友.

好想回去那里 过简单的生活哦.



回到新加坡了, 要开始发奋读书! 安乐村的小朋友一定会和我一起努力的!



Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Yunnan Trip 2007

Off to the airport in about 5 hours' time!

Whee! 云南!


会想念新加坡的一切, 当然也会想念你们. 可惜过去了就不能blog 了.


我会拍很多照片回来再upload给你们看, 体验一下我的云南之旅!

多多保重, 朋友们!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Better mood

Emotion of the Day:

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Ah. Today is one of the days when I am in a better mood. The past few days were terrible. Practically riding an emotional roller coaster. Glad things got better and my mood improved.

Can't believe I am leaving for Yunnan in just two days' time and my luggage's not even packed yet. Feeling so-so now. Hope the earthquake leaves Dali alone. I don't want my first overseas volunteer trip to be jeopardized by a natural disaster.

After working on my schedule for this holdiays, I realised that after returning from Yunnan I have ten exact days for common test revision, that's exclusive of all the projects' meetings which I may have. Ugh. Better time management!!

I was listening to the first set of podcasts which I chose for GP Hols HW. It was interesting but my ears aren't exactly that good at catching points. That I realised long ago but didn't want to admit it. Especially when the speakers have accents. But the good thing about listening to the podcasts alone is that I can replay the section which I didn't catch as many times as I want. Hee.

I think podcasts are cool! (:

Gonna work on my journal entry now, before going out to get some last-minute items for my trip. whee!

should I trim my hair? It's getting a little bushy and messy. eeks. My fringe's pretty problematic too. ha ;)

Monday, June 4, 2007


最近开始讨厌喧闹, 渴望的是静静地过着人生的每一天. 我想, 可能这样会比较快乐.

好累, 好疲倦. 也开始厌倦复杂人生中的种种挫折,烦恼和压力.

想不通; 不想想. 因为越想就越烦.




Haven't started packing for the Yunnan Trip. It's like so soon. Two more days. Yet I have so much work undone. Homework, revision. I am getting worried about my common test revision because after returning from Yunnan, there may be preparation work for 'Be Someone's Day' and not to forget the CPA filming project, my scholarship training, my service learning project, regular volunteer commitment, NYAA skills etc.

Too much to handle, too little time.

The earthquake in Yunnan is making everyone all frantic and worried. Why must the earthquake take place at such a time? I don't understand.

I am starting to have an affinity with rats, not exactly Man's good friends.

Dark chocolate seems to suit my taste of life these days. Bitter-sweet.

Yes that's life.

I just have to accept it and learn to live with it.

静静的手牵手 是最简单的梦;

Friday, June 1, 2007

Done reading Torey Hayden's Murphy Boy

Oh yeah did I mention that I am done reading Torey Hayden's Murphy Boy? hee yes I did. at 12.55pm today. So proud of myself.

Next novel which I am going to read is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Yeah one of my literature novels. But it's definitely one of the more interesting ones! It's not a chick lit novel, mind you. It is a meaningful and romantic novel, which portrays the society which Jane Austen had lived in.

Alright I am off to tackle that tough Chemistry concept which I just couldn't get. Thank you Yi Ling for trying your best to explain that concept to me. I know it's not that tough. Just that I am slow. Sorry to have made you explain twice too.

I shall work on more Sudoku puzzles, to improve my thinking skills. ^^

Friendster & 4J06

Oh Friendster is like so lag. I attempted to update my profile/ upload more photos. But it didn't show the photos. I give up. Shall spend my valuable time doing more substantial things. I must admit that I am guilty of wasting my time blog-hunting jus now. What a stupid thing to do.

Apparently I still can't understand that particular Chemistry concept which has been puzzling me throughout the day, even during my jog. My ability in understanding new concepts is deteriorating oh no! I am determined to get the concept whatsoever. Even if I spend the whole night thinking about it. whatever.

Anyway talking about that, waha! Yes the new non-carbonated drink. heh. 'Non-carbonated' drinks suit my taste but without knowing the taste of the drink that I am gulping down. I feel insecure. My brother bought one such can of beverage. And it tasted somehow like apple juice with some funny additional tastes which I don't know what.

Ugh. I prefer pure apple juice (:

As I was saying, I tried to upload photos to friendster but didn't succeed. But I did succeeded reliving some memories. Like that of 4J. It's only when I looked at the photos taken on the last day where we were still a class then did the memories flow back and I realised how much I miss 4J.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

JAYYS and 'The 4J Times'

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

4J06 in our ever-so-stylish classroom.

I didn't help much with the painting of the classroom, cos' I had SC duty for orientation on the first three days of school. But I think I did return on one of the days to help paint. The efforts, the bonding, the spirits. Yay that's 4J06. That's our 4J06 (:

Yes it's a new year and we have survived 5 months or so in DHP Yr 5. It makes no sense to look back and stay put in those memories. Afterall memories can never be turned into reality. But at least the memories are still there and whenever we feel like it, we can take a walk down the memory lane... and relive the old times all over again. Things can never be like what it was 1 or 2 years back. Things change. People change. But memories they stay the same. (Sounds cliche. but whatever.)

Yes I miss 4J06. I really miss 4J06. Do you?

A quote from Murphy Boy

Last post for the day. Blogging is pretty addictive.

Here's a quote from Torey Hayden's 'Murphy Boy' which left an impression on me:

'In a bit of bizarre mental hopscotch, I thought of Hitler's concentration camps. What had happened there wasn't so terribly unfathomable (difficult or impossible to understand). We had mini-versions of it going on all around us every day. And we, like the Germans, looked the other way and forgot.'

Hitler's concentration camps... I remembered going to one such camp on the Humanities trip to Germany in 2005. And from the information provided by the guide, the treatment of the Jews there were extremely inhumane. And to have Torey Hayden compared the boy's experience to that of Hitler's concentration camp, well I can imagine how badly the boy was treated.

I am about to finish reading the book. About one-third more to go. My official revision timetable will start tomorrow, which means I have to start reading my literature novels. No time for such leisure novels of my choice anymore. How sad. I told twin I am going to plan my timetable tonight. But I have not done so. I shall work on the timetable, finish reading 'Murphy Boy' then head for my bed. I took a three-hour nap this afternoon. No wonder I am not feeling tired. Waha.

That's all for today. Tomorrow's a new day of a new month. And a whole lot of friends' birthdays!