I am so fed up with having to dry my books and worksheets everytime I come home after a walk in the rain with my umbrella. Everything's wet and crumpled and untidy. I sooooo hate it. And the rain in the west is unique, the raindrops are slanted. So you will get wet somehow, someway. I don't mind getting wet but not my books and worksheets! Grrr. In fact all the contents in my bag are wet except for those in the biggest compartment. That's the only waterproof component of my bag.
It pains me to see my notebooks and worksheets wet. Especially the contents in my Community Service Club file. It irritates me too, seeing everything so untidy. Oh well. I shouldn't grumble actually. I should be glad and thankful to be alive and kicking at home now for I have looked out for cars before crossing the pedestrian crossing while walking home. Two vehicles just zoomed past me despite seeing me at the side of the road, waiting for them to stop and cross =.- Luckily I looked out for cars. My horoscope is so true. It told me to be aware of road safety this year. Yes I am being very careful ^^
Had china studies test today. Floppish. I was so worried and told myself to pay attention during lessons next time. Waha. The past few days were torturous. I actually had to discipline myself and stop watching 花样少年少女 on Channel U. I have more important schoolwork to deal with. So I shall try to catch one or two episodes on youtube tonight, if possible. My literature journal is enough to eat up all my free time lah, and it's due next friday. Mdm Nora seemed determined not to grant us any extra time allowance this time. Aw.
Did analysis of romantic poems for today's literature lesson. I'm loving it ;)
I shall go do some constructive stuff now. Bye.