I seriously need a ear-stick detector. I never seem to be able to find the ear-sticks when I drop them. Urgh. So now I only have one ear-stick in my left ear. Running out of ear-sticks. Forgot to get them when I was out jus now.
CPA Meeting at Geylang Police Station jus now. Apparently I was the only one on time =D Elected the committee, exchanged contacts, decided on the tagline and finally brainstormed and discussed some ideas. 4 representatives from DHS (Shu Min, Jing Hui, Yun Shan and myself), 2 from Manjusri (Gauri and Xiu Zhen) and 1 from Macpherson (Daryl).
Spent the afternoon at Suntec, shopping of cos ;) Celebration on birthday eve, by myself. Had lunch at Polar in Citylink. Happily enjoying my latte, hot dog roll and my 爱情小说.

Then after a while I started thinking about my holidays schedule... which actually made me realise that I may not be having much of a holiday at all. Depressed, I returned to reading my novel.
After one hour or two, I went to Marina Sq. First to Creative then to Mini Toons, Action City etc and Times. I remember buying Torey Hayden's 'Murphy Boy' as a birthday present for myself last year. So I was thinking maybe I can get another book as a present for myself. But after thinking it through, I decided not to. Reason being there's many many books at home which I bought but have not read, Murphy Boy's one of them. And there's also my literature novels. So I went back to Creative and get the headset...

After buying it, I walked back to Citylink and sat down on one of the benches. Excited, I took out the headset from the packaging then tried it on my zen neeon. Woohoo cool. The surrounding sounds were cancelled and all I can hear is Jay's singing (song: 珊湖海).
Byebye to my cranky, old headset.

Oh ya. There's some Powerpuff Girls show at the stage area and I took this blurry photo of them. I don't get as excited seeing them already waha! It's a good thing alright. Maybe if I see Doraemon. I am starting to adore Doraemon all over again! And I find the boy from Precious Moments cute too! Saw him at PS the last time and I almost jumped down from the second storey to shake his hand. Fortunately whoever-was-with-me-at-that-time stopped me. LOL.

Just now on the way back, there was this toddler with his grandparents and mother who boarded the train at City Hall. And he was crying and screaming at the top of his voice... till I reached my station. I think everyone on the train heard him. I don't know what happened but yeah his screaming's really loud. I wasn't listening to zen neeon at that point of time. Yep was quite irritated but who knows, I might have been like this before.
My parents said that I was really naughty when I was young. When I asked for a toy and they refused to get it for me, I would sit down on the floor and start brushing my butt against the ground until they agreed. LOL seems pretty comical now as I imagined it. heehee.
Anyway fun day out but burned a hole in my wallet (not literally duh!). Spent quite alot on the headset. And I am still deciding if I should get a new digital camera. My handphone's camera's not exactly that powerful. I like good quality photos (: But canon, sony or casio? I can't decide. What's your take? ^^
Tata. Shall go and wash up then come back online to organize the songs in my zen neeon. WJ jus recommended this MV on youtube.com which brought tears to my eyes after watching. It's a 8-minute long MV. A touching one too... just like the movie 'Daisy'. Go watch it people!
KISS- Because I am a girl
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQCCvrdbRMIWhen I was watching it, my feminist side and my girly side were fighting. Cos the chorus is something like 'Love is my everything because I am a girl'. Then I was like 'argh! what crap' initially. I seem to have extreme views these days. Not good, I know. But anyway, towards the end of the MV, my heart melted. Yep (: One of my favourite MVs I must say. 童话 MV doesn't seem as impressive now. hee.
My mom just passed me a birthday card from Yi Xian. Aw. Thank you Yi Xian! How thoughtful of her. I think she told her parents to send it for her since the postal stamp on it says 25 May. Thanks girl. I am touched.
Not forgetting to thank JYS who gave me cookies yesterday, as an advanced birthday present. I already feasted on four pieces just now. The cookies were really nicely-shaped and way tastier than the ones I bought before. Cos they were given by my best sisters! Cheers.
Thank you Pei Yu too for the nice bear keychain. Pei Yu remembers my birthday every year =D
Thanks Li Wen for your early birthday wishes.
I feel so loved, even when my birthday is only tomorrow. YAY!
Be happy every day!Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love' - Mother TheresaAnd love is the greatest thing of all (: